The Duke of York is proud to co-present this special Zero Emission Day Green Screen with Brighton Energy Co-operative (BEC) & Brighton&Hove Energy Services Co-operative (BHESCO) of local filmmaker Vicki Lesley’s utterly compelling 'The Atom: A Love Affair’ Narrated by Lily Cole Combining behind-the-scenes political drama with the spirit of a sentimental screen romance, The Atom: A Love Affair charts the social and political development of nuclear power - and our changing relationship with it – since the end of the Second World War.

Capturing both the tantalising promise and the repeated disappointments of this singular technology, the film reveals how the post-war, romantic fantasy of an atom-powered future developed into the stormy, on-off relationship still playing out today.

“Takes no sides and pulls no punches in its witty and admirably objective archival account of the West’s relationship with nuclear power” - New Scientist “a very intriguing history lesson...really well done” - Mark Kermode, BBC Radio 5Live

The screening is followed by a panel hosted by Will Cottrell from Brighton Energy Cooperative with dir. Vicki Lesly, plus Kayla Ente MBE (Brighton & Hove Energy Services Co-op aka BHESCo) a member of the Nuclear Consulting Group, which consists of experts in academia and NGOs, on the topic of nuclear.

Prof. Andy Sterling (Sussex Uni) Professor of Science and Technology Policy at the Science Policy Research Unit. Everyone is invited to ‘continue the conversation’ in the bar afterwards.

  • Director :
  • Vicki Lesley
  • Starring :
  • Tony Benn, Ralph Nader, Bernard Ingham, Harold Bolter, Mike McCormack, William Magwood
  • Release Date :
  • 21 Sep 2023
  • Certificate :
  • PG
  • Rate This Film :

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