The Bravest Knight is the story of a young pumpkin farmer, named Cedric, as he attempts to become the greatest knight who ever lived. Now grown and married to the prince of his dreams, Sir Cedric recounts his fairytale adventures to his adopted daughter Nia, showing her the paths and pitfalls that await her on the way to knighthood. Accompanied by his best friend, a bridge-less troll named Grunt,
Cedric's lifelong quest to fulfill his destiny takes him through a world of witches and giants, and ends with the toughest challenge of all: teaching his daughter to do the same.
Episode 10: Cedric And The Big Bad Wolf
Investigating a call for help on a carrot farm, Nia hears about the time Cedric, Grunt, and Saylor had to save a town from a Big Bad Wolf who was more misunderstood than menacing.
Episode 11: Cedric and the Pixies
As Nia becomes overwhelmed with Not-Yet-Knight responsibilities, Sir Cedric explains that he was once in over his head too, when a pack of wild pixies overran a quiet town.
Episode 12: Cedric and the Dragon
Cedric, Grunt, and Saylor are finally confronted by the dragon who has been causing mayhem for the kingdom. It takes luck and a clever riddle to get past her and continue their quest.
Episode 13: Grunt and the Bridge
The trio of heroes reaches Grunt's bridge and must defeat Stunk, the troll who stole it from him. In a high-stakes contest, Grunt must use brains instead of brawn to get his home back.