15 110 mins
MyPicturehouse rating
Assemble [verb]; (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose.
Assemble is a short film night designed to uplift, connect and learn from fellow creatives.
Assuming a creative conversation exists is always unemployed. It stands in line behind waiting for appreciation. You appreciate yourself, look both ways when you are crossing the road, and head toward your goals.
Along the way you meet reflections of yourself, and swerve those not wanting to connect. But you position yourself to always meet people who share your passion Filmmakers and Creatives - For this Assemble chapter: Ana Torre - Craig Talbot - Jolene Khor - Selorm Adonu and Zarine Murray Films share their continued creative journeys through films, dreams and dialogue.
This event will have no ads or trailers and will be followed by a panel discussion.